Great Egrets:

Roadrunner (this little guy hopped up on our office windowsill!):
Eastern Bluebird (one of our favorites!):
And last, and certainly least, the Turkey Vulture:
We awaken each morning to the sound of many different songbirds, mainly various sparrows, American Robins, Carolina Wrens, Dark-Eyed Juncos, and lots of others. We also have an assortment of ducks and woodpeckers, as well as owls, Rock and Mourning Doves, Bluejays, Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds, Red-Tailed Hawks, Northern Harriers and an occasional Great Blue Heron or Cooper's Hawk. What a beautiful place to live! We are so blessed to be here.
Sorry the pictures aren't very close-up. Those birds keep spying me, and flying away from me! Perhaps I need a better camera...